Blue on a Branch

After last nights trying time ( tummy ache, no sleep, many bathroom trips)...I woke up feeling much better. I actually think I'll make it. After 24 hours of not eating, I just fixed myself the old standard...chicken noodle soup.

I was sitting at my kitchen table, and noticed several birds landing on this branch. They pause here, before looking both ways...then dive down to my feeder.

I was going to do a photo-shop special with a blue jay, a cardinal, a junco, and a sparrow on the branch, but when I saw the falling snow in this 3-shot sequence...I really liked it. It actually is not snowing. Another bird landed on a branch above the jay...and down the snow came.

I'm back off to bed. The restless night has left me tired, weary, run-down, spent, wasted, and haggard. ("Mr. Thesaurus...take a bow")


The red "frame" is cardinal feathers.

Amid the Falling Enya. A pretty song.

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