On The List

Booky's pre-New Year entry got me thinking that I'd no idea how many books I've read in the last year (nowhere near Booky's achievement!), so thought I'd try to keep count this year. Just finishing The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest - started in December so that doesn't count - but this lot should start me off nicely.

I must be one of the few male readers of my age who didn't read Catch 22 in his teens and Breakfast In Tiffany's is another classic I've missed (I'm on a bit of a mission to catch up on books I should have read).

Topping and tailing the pile are books to help me with two other challenges for the year: learning a bit of Spanish before our planned early Summer trip and continuing to learn the guitar - though I suspect becoming "The Complete Guitar Player" is definitely a bridge too far, if you'll pardon the pun.

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