Happy New Year!

A final wander around the old town before saying au revoir to Nice.

Our first city break holiday with the kids has been a huge success. I now know that I don't need to pack everything but the kitchen sink and that the kids can survive without me bringing loads of food/toys/clothes for them from home and that they don't need to always have their scooter/bike, as they have done so much walking during this mini break without complaint - hurrah!

My daughter received a joke book for Christmas and she has practically memorised all the jokes so spent a lot of the time telling us jokes, although I'm not sure she quite 'gets' all of them. Her little brother, not wanting to be outdone, made up his own joke and told it to us over and over throughout the holiday, which I'm only to happy to share:

Dex: "Knock, Knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
Dex: "Swiper"
Me: "Swiper who?"
Dex: "Swiper ate a potato!"

I wish you all a happy and humorous 2014!

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