
By tearaway


bella and i went out for a wee walk to gather some grass to make a nest for her little chick. i got some more spiky dry things to put in vases. while we were out of the house i made my mum and dad listen to a guided mindfulness meditation cd, practically at gun-point (slightly against the spirit of the whole thing, i know). my mum is starting to get very forgetful and losing her words, and i just know that a bit of regular meditation would help her so much. i got them the cd ages ago, and they've only done it once on their own. i think mum doesn't really get it, like she thinks it's a form of hypnosis or something. i've sent my dad a lot of links to research articles to help convince them. it's so frustrating for me cos you can lead a horse to water and all that. but i feel like otherwise i'll just be standing by, watching her change, and feeling like i could have done more to help.

she's getting a formal assessment at the doctors on tues, they're also going to investigate a newly discovered heart murmur, so we'll see what comes of that. tonight i'm feeling quite worried about mum and dad and the future. might listen to that cd myself...

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