Empty Bowling Green

L and I went over to Fife/Kinross for the funeral of L's Aunt J who died just before Christmas. The funeral service was at Dunfermline crematorium and we and L's elder sister L then made our way (by a slightly circuitous route!) to Milnathort. There was food and drink laid on for family and friends at the bowling club where Aunt J used to bowl. We remembered being in the same place more than a decade ago for Aunt J's 70th birthday party and the abiding image we all three had of her that night was her wearing a set of tinsel deely boppers and a pair of red lacy knickers on her head. Not quite sure why but it summed up her joi de vivre. Her husband, L's Uncle D, died some months ago. They were a lovely couple, married for almost sixty years. We went to the big party they had for their Golden Anniversary in the Town Hall almost ten years ago and although we didn't see them very often they always kept in touch with Christmas cards. Sad that they have both gone now. The picture looks out across the bowling green, poignantly empty on a blustery winter's day.

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