The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Only Way Is Up

The morning alarm at 6.30pm woke me from a lovely sleep. I was roasty toasty in my bags, so much so that in the middle of the night I had to take my thermals off and sleep naked to prevent myself from totally overheating! Breakfast of boiled eggs and then we were packed and off by 8am. We recalled this trek being rather challenging, a constant climb for around three and a half hours, but actually it seemed like a steady slog to the top and was no where near as difficult as I had remembered. However, I was very poorly this time last year so maybe that was why! We arrived at Namche around 11am, settled into the lodge and unpacked kit as we are staying here for two nights to acclimatize. After some soup for lunch, Q and I slept for nearly an hour and then we wondered down into the centre of Namche and mooched through the shops, enjoying apple pie, chocolate brownie and cheesecake with various coffees and teas. Yummy! A bit more mooching and then we got back to the lodge around 3.15pm. I’m got tucked up in my sleeping bag in the room to write my blip journal entry and then at 5pm I headed back down into Namche, enjoying a second coffee and sitting writing notes in my journal until 6.30pm. I came back up to the lodge for our 7pm dinner, a feast of chicken chilly to warm to tummy and indeed my entire body! We played cards until 8pm and then headed up an early bedtime. After an hour of reading, lights went out and…I couldn’t sleep…damn!

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