
By Nenz

Our garden 'pet'

Meet our garden friend. Sorry, I don't take great photos of birds, and that is also not my aim. I just like to share stories of our life, and the many thoughts that go along with them.

This half brown, half black bird is a daily guest in our humble garden. He/she is quite comfortable when you get closer then I have ever been to any bird in our place. I call him; birdie, which is not original in any way but I think it is crazy enough that I actually talk to him/her. I think its a him. This is based on the super cliché that men are strong, and this little birdie is a vicious digger. In the dirt, in our compost, he does it with so much power, that I initially worried for my plants. It has proven to be not a worry as he seem to dig only for bugs and worms? I suppose.

What else did this day bring? Oh, I just found the photo of Ivan that I would have liked to post on the 1st but somehow I had saved it somewhere 'save', you know that 'special' place where you know it is going to be so save, that you forget where it was in the first place. Yep, that's the one. AND I still do things on the computer that I don't understand, like accidently touching the touchpad while using the mouse on the laptop and then moving stuff and not knowing what you did, so not having a clue how to fix it. Yep, after all those years, I still only use the computer recreationally shall we say, so lots of mysteries stay just that for me, computer mysteries. I place the lovely photo of Ivan on FB. Ivan took the photo on 1/1/14 with the webcam, still my beautiful boy as ever, <3

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