Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

New Year

I am revamping my Blipfoto and starting it up again as per my 2014 Goals. It's had a shaky start, but I'm not going to be hard on myself.

2013 was a very harsh and painful year. I am determined to change my perspective around for 2014. It won't prepare me for the type of tragedies I faced in 2013, (because losing loved ones is not something anyone can truly prepare for) but I don't want to go around living a broken life anymore. So starting here with just one photo everyday, I want to live out 2014 with raw emotions, whether they're joy, or terror, or embarrassment. And live life meaningfully, purposefully.

The Divergent series I just completed really was the spark to all this conviction. It inspired me to

Be Dauntless.

Be Brave.

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