
By Rebekah

Junk modelling comp.: The home made parachute

Another beautiful post-Christmas-lull lazy day. Ry cooked us omlettes for breakfast, we got out and went for a walk in the (muddy) woods at Ashridge in the afternoon, and in the evening we had a home made junk modelling competition (armed with one plastic bag and a length of string) to see who could make the most effective parachute for an empty coke bottle. Of course Ryan won! Here is the famous parachute for everyone to see in all it's glory... even though I could have done with a faster shutter speed, damn it.

If my retrospective memory isn't fooling me, I think this evening we started to watch a series I'd bought Ryan for Christmas called The Pacific - its a sister-series to Band of Brothers (for anyone who has seen it, it has been made by the same people etc) but rather focussing on the part of WWII set in Germany its about the part set in... you guessed it... the Pacific. Its shaping up to be pretty good, and it's refreshing to learn about a side of the war that the teaching of gets neglected this side of the world. Geek mode over.

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