All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The penguins, Ethan and I

Ethan was a bit of a chancer this morning and came wandering through to our room at 6.45am, 15 minutes before the sun comes up on his gro clock. I told him to go back to bed, which he did, returning 5 mins later saying "then sun is up now mummy". When I told him "yes because you pushed the button when you went back to your room" he looked completely astounded and said "but how do you know that mummy"!! Told him he could come and have a cuddle in our bed if he tried to go back to sleep .... after being fairly quiet for half an hour or so he did - and we all went back to sleep till 9am. A small miracle!

After lunch we went to Edinburgh Zoo. The penguins are always a favourite of ours there - not that you can tell from this photo. Ethan just wasn't in the mood for posing for the camera. The only photo hubbie got of him smiling with the penguins, he managed to chop off half of Ethan's head! Ethan also enjoyed seeing the wildcats as they look just like 2 of our cats, Obi and Leia. However, much to hubbies frustration, Ethan's all time favourite thing at the zoo is .... the playpark!

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