Eh! Bedtime reading!!!

I think this might be a little deep for bedtime.

On the left is a version of Dante's Divine Comedy I started last night, I downloaded it via iBooks and well it's a little hard going. The translation is by “THE REV. H. F. CARY, M.A.”

Excerpt From: Dante Alighieri & Gustave Doré. “The Divine Comedy, Complete.” iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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So a small search of the bookcase and I found one of Mr Mouses copies the one on the right which seems a whole lot more readable oh and there are pictures so that's the version I'm going to stick with.

It's been on my reading list for a while and decided its time I got back to some serious reading thinking paradise lost would have been an easier start or I could have just read my old faithfuls Dracula or Frankenstein.

Also had a search of the bookcase for my copy of the Canterbury Tales (fully translated though during A Level English (a long long time ago) I had the pleasure (!) of reading in Middle English or rather translating Middle English to modern or in my case old English) but I can't seem to find it :( wonder if the bunnies have read it, they do like to read

Anyway I think tonight I am going to read trash instead my brain hurts ....

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