
By Madyline

It's only January

It's January. Fuzzed out with what is apparently a "Henry Fox" filter is today's photo. This, ladies and gentlebeasts is the Easter Egg aisle in Tesco.

Now, I am not Easter egg-ist. I have no moral objection to them. As a card carrying Methodist, I have no issues with Easter. I'm not even against Tesco, per se.

Easter though, starts with Lent. At the very least, it should be after Valentines Day (the Hallmark festival that it is!)

Christmas should start with Advent. If it doesn't, it should at least wait until after Armistice. It should have some respect!

Of course, by 'it' I can't be blaming the festival. Whether a religious festival or the hallmark type, the festival itself cannot be held to account. It has to be the consumer. But if it wasn't there, we wouldn't buy it, so it has to be the shop. But then who buys their Easter Eggs this early?

However, they are pretty. The colours are rich and vibrant. So I took them out. Obviously.

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