Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

......And More To Come!

I Managed to get out for an hour to the Supermarket, and on the way home thought I'd look in on the Old Colliery Site in a small village nearby. There's been nothing but rain for a couple of weeks and gale force winds/rain are forecast tonight.

I could hear the water gushing down from the man made 'mountain' and saw that it'd created a lake before running off into the drain.

I took a couple of images but, even though I prefer the colour one, I need to use Black & White more, so that's why it's that way: The first  B&W of the year!

Bedwas Navigation Colliery was a coal mine that was located in the small Welsh village of Bedwas. Situated 2 miles north of Caerphilly, the colliery opened in 1913 and in 1939 produced 675,000 tonnes of coal in single year.

The colliery closed after the miners' strike of 1984 - 1985.

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