The bubble

By Phini

The best part of Christmas

Is Boxing Day.

Everyone is happy and relaxed. The pressure of the right present or the food preparation is over.

Best of all, husband cooks roast pork sandwiches for lunch.

Mom had bought Ali an electronic memory game. We did our best to allow everyone else a look in but unfortunately our OCD got the better of us and it ended up being mom and I playing game after game while the hog roasted.

Mom was so excited to dunk her bread in the pork fat. Proper Black Country girl. Old skool I quickly followed suit.

The boys were very happy with their pressies. Especially pongo who absolutely loves shredding the wrapping paper. I kept catching Ali having little cuddles with monkey. In fact both had a power nap with each other on several occasions.

All too soon mom dad and Ali are all packed up and ready for their road trip home. This always makes me cry it seems so far away the weather is threatening storms though so its for the best they go now while its still light.

As they pull off Aunty deb, uncle Keith and nanny pull up. No time for tears when there's tea to brew.

I quickly wrap a pressie up for nanny as husband accidentally gave nanny apple yesterday nanny's original pressie. (I have a sneaky suspicion the one quick pint dad and husband had before dinner yesterday was in fact more like 4).

Keith and deb have exciting news. They are coming home to live after 5 years in France. This is very exciting news.

They did not leave until around 7.30.

I don't feel very well. Infact I haven't since Christmas dinner.

Well it wouldn't be a special occasion if I wasn't ill to ruin it. Don't you just love fibro.

Bed ASAP for me.

Happy Christmas everyone. I've had a lovely time with some beautiful pressies. Thank you all so much. All so thoughtful. I feel very loved.

Night night

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