By BuschObama

Hungry dog

Hunters kill 80000 elks, 50000 wild pigs, 20000 moose and deer in Sweden each year to be maintain balance of the wild animal population.45000 animals are killed in traffic a figure that would mushroom if hunting was restricted. The fall is the primary season for hunting more than 300000 hunters are active each season.Balance in life is what matters.
Unlike the " the fishing industry that sweeps the oceans and discard species that are not interesting wildlife hunting it is strictly monitored and restricted by laws,rules and regulations.
The game contributes to the diet of the family Westerberg owner of the hungry dog chewing on the leg of the wildpig shot last week.Tonight he spends time preparing the meat,parting,slicing,and making meat quality decisions.

The family master Mats spend 14 days and 1500 dollars a year on his sport. Hunting puts meat on their diningtable 3-4 times a week and they never shop for meat in the local store. Commercial meat is a big contributor to the Co2 footprint due to the diet and the fertilizers used in feeding the cattle.

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