Out of hiding

Champers developed a routine with the two extra dogs here for the holidays - he disappeared during the day, where to I haven't a clue, and then quietly crept in to my bedroom through an open window where I fed him, and where he slept. Early in the morning he demanded more food before disappearing for the day!
Now that only Bess and Oscar are here, he is making his presence known throughout the house.
I have had very little sleep as hubby and I did our crime patrol from 1 30 to 4 45 this morning, then Kevin and Phil left at 6am for Cape Town, and at 8am we took Penni to the airport for her flight home. I then had a frenzy of vacuuming and cleaning the house, and now after a pizza and a glass of wine I am feeling my lack of sleep. So it's an early night for me.
We are having such hot weather which is great but exhausting!

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