Creative Surrender

By JameyCodding

User error

For Christmas two years ago, my wife bought me a Sonos wireless HiFi system. I loved it and cranked it in my home office during my workdays, streaming Pandora and Spotify or pulling songs from my local iTunes library. It quickly became my new favorite toy.

Eventually, though, my new favorite toy became my new annoying headache. It would play several songs in a row just fine before delivering an error message saying the speaker could no longer connect to my music source. I reinstalled the wireless controller, I repeatedly rebooted the equipment, I cursed profusely about my slow Time Warner internet connection. Nothing I did to fix the problem worked, and I tried everything.

Well, almost everything.

While working out an issue with my phone and old computer yesterday, I learned that the network cable I had been using for my Sonos may have been faulty. Hmm...I never tried changing the network cable? Could that be the source of so much frustration? Am I really that dense?

Yes, yes and, embarrassingly, yes.

I swapped out the old cable (pictured here) this afternoon for a new one I found in a forgotten basement drawer, and rejoice! I have music!

It took almost two years, but my old annoying headache is once more my new favorite toy. It's like a late Christmas present.

Oh, and to Time Warner Cable: my bad.

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