
By rosesinDecember


A was first to wake and join us in bed giving Daddy the most adorable, deliberate and repeated Christmas kisses. Then, I was sure E would fall given the speed of her excited footsteps through the hall. Father Christmas had been and she was delighted to see full stockings, piles of presents, a gnawed carrot and half eaten mince pie. It was magical to watch her reactions, mainly of "wow" just as enthusiastically for the "pink scooterrr" as for the "stickers, ooh Disney Princess stickers." A, happy to observe and crumple the discarded paper, but smiling all the while.

We had a leisurely breakfast with champagne before a speedy, bracing walk to the family service at the cathedral. Probably the moment of the day was as captured above. Tutu clad E, wearing her lamb outfit (as requested) walking hand in hand with her new friend Emily to take to the stage for the impromptu nativity which concluded the joyful service alongside Hark the Herald Angels sing! So proud. Second only to her repeated runs down the length of the cathedral to the toilet hoping for chocolate coin rewards again and again. A slept before making a very brief appearance as an angel with a soon to be pulled and chewed tinsel halo. Equally adorable.

Then home to celebrate with more gifts and love for Granny and Grandad before the rest of our 15 guests arrived for our Christmas feast-a happy but exhausting chaos ensued. Longing for an uninterrupted sleep and a lie in. Happy Christmas!

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