Storm Light

The sheep (wether) was not looking very positive today so My Boss’s loaded me into Suzz and we went over the hill.
I have to confess that I have worried a bit about being “over the hill” as The Bossess often accuses The Boss of it but each time he has been right here and just the same. So I was a bit confused when they announced that we were all going and apart from the amazing traffic that was coming the other way AND the grid lock at the base of the Crown Range road AND the kamikaze parking conditions at Remarkables Park shopping centre nothing bad seemed to happen/ I had a lovely zzz in Suzz while “they” had eggs with some religious chap (benedict) and looked around the shops. They didn’t seem to buy anything and we all went to Cromwell where more Coffee and “Natural Cola” (Ugg says The Boss) were consumed and at LAST we went walking from Cromwell to Bannockburn alongside the Lake/River depending on your definition of the bit of water on the left / right depending on if you were coming or going.
I do hope you have all got this as I may ask questions later.

One of the primary reasons for our location was the promise of better weather further away from the source of the wind.
Well YES…It didn’t rain but it did get interesting on occasions.

Pawnote…This is being uploaded at 8.50 pm and it is bucketing down. The image was shot at Bannockburn earlier in the afternoon.
I AM a bit tired so it was a good day…I think.

Raincoats on

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