a new year check in...
...with another self portrait
long overdue
i realized i hadn't done one in several months - figured the first day of the month - of the new year - was as good a day - as any other - and usually i use the first day of the new year - as a day of reflection - to look back on the past year - see where i've been - what all i accomplished - see where i'd like to go in the coming year - what i might like to get done in the year ahead - i'm not one for making resolutions - i'm more for setting goals - trying to be realistic with my life - the challenges i face - and what may lie ahead of me - i don't go overboard with anything - i try very hard to live in the moment - appreciate the blessings god has granted me in the day-to-day - be thankful for what i have, when i remember - because unfortunately - i tend to forget -
so as i reflect back - i've continued to conquer the lifestyle change i made 6 months ago now - with eliminating flour, sugar, dairy, legumes and processed foods from my diet - eating basically veggies, fruits, nuts, poultry and fish has made a vast improvement in how i feel overall - it hasn't eliminated my pain which is what i'd hoped for - but the other benefits are such that i've decided to stick with it - one of which is the loss of almost 21 pounds - this without any added exercise - i am grateful -
i'm learning to be kinder to myself - to accept my limitations since my accident - with a more gentle hand - if i can be patient with others - accommodating - why can't i be so with myself? the lesson is the same - i simply need to apply it - know it's okay to be where i'm at with what i've got for right now - this is where i'm meant to be - now move forward - and make it...
happy day.....
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