
By Bundle

Happy New Year

A bleak day to start the new year but a good day to be sitting in the warmth back-blipping through the warmer months of June and July (highlights probably here, here and here). I accidentally hit upon my number 365 whilst back-blipping - not a noteworthy blip so I'm going to have to celebrate my 1,000 in style (nothing like playing for time).

The local heron seems not to mind the bleak weather and appears to enjoy the volume of water across the flood plains here, it seems to give him more space to strut his stuff.

So I'm hoping to be back now but don't think I'll manage a daily blip just yet. I've been missing you all and will catch up with your journals soon but meanwhile I'd like to thank you all for your lovely support and kind wishes through the past year which has been a difficult year for me. I know that 2013 has been a very difficult year for many of you too and I hope that 2014 brings you all good health and happiness.

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