What a lousy start to the new year! Well weather wise, anyways, as it has rained heavily the entire day. This is England- this should not really be a surprise.
I didn't even wake up until 11:30am this morning, despite being good and setting my alarm for 9! After I'd listened to all the drunks running and screaming down the street till about 1am, I just couldn't get to sleep. I was still wide-awake at 03:30 when I got a text. By the time I was ready to do anything, it was nearly 2pm and halfway dark- the joy of the Christmas Holidays! I had nothing to photograph today, so I just took this while I was nestled on my sofa, watching a documentary on the film Cleopatra!
Already I feel the going back to school depression rearing it's ugly head- just 4 more days of freedom!
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