Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Bob the Cat

Still in Idaho.

Note: No harm came to this animal, but if anyone does not approve of hunting for meat you need not read further

My family hunts deer and elk for meat and the challenge it presents. My son-in-law got a mule deer the day before this photo was taken. The meat was hanging in a tree and the head w/antlers was on the ground below it. We came back to camp after riding the ATV's and discovered the head was missing. We looked all around camp for it and extended the search area as we were not having any luck finding it. We thought maybe some bird hunters dog had taken it because we had seen it in camp earlier in the day.
Well after about a half hour of looking my s-i-l called out that he had found it.
This cat was sitting on top of it having partially buried it with pine needles and dried grasses etc. My s-i-l shouted at it and the cat just growled and hissed at him. He threw a stick at him and hit him and the cat got off of the head and moved away from it. S-i-l retrieved it and brought it back to camp.
He tied the head to the tree. Later that same day while we were sitting outside talking, the cat came into camp and headed for the tree. We took pictures and yelled at him and he sauntered away. Apparently that was his head and he wanted it back! We all thought it was weird and cool at the same time that he would come into camp while we were there. That evening, while we were sleeping, he paid us another visit. He stood on one of the ATV's because my s-i-l saw his tracks in the frost on the seat. He also took the head again. S-i-l found it again and cut the antlers off of the head and took the head out away from camp so the bob cat could have his treat.
We needed to leave the next day so didn't get to enjoy the cat anymore. Maybe next year. Another pic of him here. Oct. 9th here. Oct. 10th here.

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