Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

How far...

Remember how far
you've come, not just
how far you have to go.
You are not were you
want to be, but neither
are you where
you used to be.

Rick Warren

In my shopping plans today, I didn't get far at all. I didn't think I would, but I took a trip in to town anyway. There were some people in town. Some walking around, some getting back from parties and celebrations (festive clothes was a dead giveaway) and some with suitcases.
This quote got me thinking of the past year and my wishes for this one.
I must say that if this year is as good as the past I will count myself lucky. Of course, there are always things you hope will improve and get better, but overall… I mean, I 'found' the Red Cross and oh, wow how that evolved me! Not only my fantastic colleagues (or fellow volunteers, because we're not employed), all the wonderful people I meet, all the cultures and languages around me, but so much more. Sometimes the learning of 'so much more' has been an uphill serpentine road, but I've gotten there and hoping for an easier road from now on.
A bit philosophical on this the first of days in 2014… :)

Anyone made a New Years resolution?
I did… I will play more on my piano this year. I have some interesting music that I hope to learn. :)
I hope everyone have had a great first day!

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