
Happy New Year blipfoto!

As a complete surprise, Santa brought Grace a Nintendo 3DS and the game she had asked for - Animal Crossing: Leaf. She had been told she wasn't allowed it until she was seven. To say she was delighted with her gift is an understatement. She has become very absorbed in the virtual world and talks about the characters as if they are real. When she got home from the new year celebrations, she went onto her game for five minutes to see the fireworks display and say happy new year to all the characters in her village. On the plus side it's a good way to practise her writing and spelling and also her number work as she adds up her funds and saves for things to buy...but we will be needing to ration her use of it!

I completed a whole 365 last year. It was a great way to pep up my journal, which had stagnated over the years. I do hope I can achieve the same this year, but under less pressure. For a start I'm not doing a daily countdown like I did last year. I'm also abandoning the idea of using song titles and lyrics as the titles for each entry. Too tricky to keep that going...
Wish me luck in round two!

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