
By Houseonahill6

Splish Splash

We went to the Splash and Dash in Cromarty today. You could nt have asked for better weather. The sun shone again and it was fairly warm. We've tried to get here for several years but it is usually quite icy so it was nice to be standing in the warmth of the sun watching everyone get ready for the splash. The pandas and the seven brides won the prize for the best fancy dress. It's quite bizarre coming face to face with penguins or super Mario. Over 200 people took part in the splash while 500 spectators looked on Looked like fun though.
The dash part took place after with a ' run' , The mad dash is a 6km hill run starting at the harbour and heading along the shore, up the 100 steps and a quick descent back down the hill and along the links to the finish. There was also a 3km Fun ( not sure I would call it that) run where lots of children took part, some leaving their parents in there wake, including one of my Brownies :)

Just had a lovely conversation with My Auntie Jean who lives in Kent. The weather has been horrible all day down there so I feel abit guilty enjoying the sun shine but I guess the rain will not be far away.

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