Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Why would anyone stay inside on a day like this ?

Normal people perhaps ?
Ahhhhh but what is normal ? Normal sounds a little bit boring ... Like the word 'nice' it's a useful word but a bit flat isn't it ?
Start as you mean to go on .. Which would indicate from this blip that we would be just hanging about the shores of Britain in the rain at any given opportunity .
We romped down at the edge of the beach for a while and then we went and spent cash in the 'rock shop' ( seaside candy sticks for my American friends) so we could get a massive fix of raw sugar ...

Last night I blipped before midnight and something really good fun happened at midnight .. Myself,DDLC,Velvet frog and Ageing Rockstar went in to the town centre of Skegness (50 metres from the guest house) IN OUR NIGHT WEAR and we danced with the locals and visitors alike whilst a loud disco blasted from the top of a nightclub type hovel ... Then fireworks went off and as we looked around there were HUNDREDS of people in onsies !!! Sadly we did not look out of place ... Also I was wearing Alice's furry boots .. (She's 10,I have tiny feet) ...
When we got back Eve and Lucy and Charlie had been playing in the bar with the alcohol .. What excellent parenting skills we have as we then ordered our drinks from an 8,9 and 12 year old hahahahahahhahahahahhaha good parents are also over rated ;)

I am going to catch up with all you lovely blippers now who commented whilst I have been drinking and leaping about a town centre in my pyjamas x

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