Happy New Year 2014

I always make a calendar for family and friends at Christmas and my daughter gets it printed for me. As she was on jury service this year we thought it may not happen but she made a sterling effort and managed a few for me!! This is January with snow but as you know we do not have any this winter as yet. In fact it has poured down all day hence an indoor blip.

A new year of blipping and my nearest target is to reach 1000 which is not very far away. I want to thank everyone who comments (plus stars and hearts) on my efforts I am very grateful and obviously it is encourages me to keep going. I mostly use my iPhone 5 because I am lazy and I hate taking my camera out in the wet weather or carrying it with swimming gear or shopping!!! My calendar is made from pictures I have taken by my camera as obviously they are better than the iPhone pictures.

I love looking at all your diaries it gives me a lot of pleasure gazing at your beautiful pictures. So all the best for 2014 and I look forward to all your lovely efforts!!

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