
By Wendywoo2

Happy new year!!!

Happy new year one and all!! Had a great night with some great friends! Myself and Neil would like to wish everyone in blip land a massive happy new year!! Hope u have all had a great evening! I am
Blipping from my bed at 3.30am on New Year's Day - the latest I have been out since uni! Sad I know!!

Things I want to achieve in 2014:
- I want to spend more time with my husband!
- finish my MA
- blip as often (every day if possible) as I have been rubbish of late!
- blip at least once a week a mini project I have set myself on the A-z of where I live with some history thrown in!
- to worry less and start to live and enjoy life more! As u may have read I have been struggling with my infertility etc of late and I want to start living and enjoying my life!
- the usual of eating a little less and exercising!

Anyway have a fab new year and all the very best for the year to come!!! Xxxxxx

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