
By Angelique

"I'm Looking Through You, What Do I See "

Tried to do very little today after yesterday's mamoth driving and the pain in my ear which has been constant.

Decided to try out my new camera and was really pleased to see that I had a visit to the garden of a single Long Tailed Tit. They usually travel about in groups but this little chap/chapess was all by itself. I was in the conservatory looking through the glass, hence the title, and quite a long way from the bird table etc.

After a visit to my own doctor this afternoon, he confirmed it was a very red inflammed inner ear and prescribed ear drops with a built in antibiotic and hydrocortisone! Anyway, now sitting upright after holding it to one side for over 2 hours with a leaking ear. Told to take strong pain killers but as they will knock me out, decided to delay the taking until after this evenings celebrations with Matthew and Mr A.

We all enjoy the fireworks after a toast with champagne and a few nibbles.

I hope you have all enjoyed a peaceful, happy last day of 2013. For those still suffering with the dreaded lurgy, I wish you a speedy return to normal, whatever that is!!

And I raise a toast to you all for a wonderful successful 2014 and whatever your dreams maybe, may they all come true.
Thank you for 'dropping by' and I send my love to you all:)) x

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