The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Seeking magic solution

I have had a bit of a relapse and spent most of today in bed. Looks as if I won't make it to the pub tonight, even though it's only 500 yards away! Still, I've enjoyed the radio and iPlayer, and being in bed is ok. I did get up to do a bit of this very difficult jigsaw, but then the sun set. CleanSteve is helping with it (the jigsaw, not the sun!)

No profound thoughts on the closing of the year, just that they do go fast these days! I'll be 50 in 2014. I think I'll have a picnic on June 15th on Painswick beacon. You are all invited. I've enjoyed visiting all the anniversary blips over the past of days. Special mention to Shaaamie for being so sleazy!

PS I am definitely going to blip a woodpecker in 2014, even if it's only on a cider label.

PPS I became debt-free in 2013.

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