Preparing For The Bells!
Dd and I had a nice light lunch today with some oysters, sea urchins and cava as we warmed up to the New Year celebrations in Barcelona tonight when the city is to make a determined effort to place itself on the television screens of the world for Hogmanay celebrations; not that they call them that here! Blipper Seeingthings will join us later.
This shot was taken by a professional fashion photographer and I had to somewhat rescue it from his very raw original effort, clearly we didn't excite him as much as Giorgio Armani who he shot last week! Oh, and Johan Cruyff was at the next table (we were only at our local shopping mall!), but despite spousal pressures I decided not to disturb him for a blip.
For those following the story I had a very efficient and effective interchange with the local police this morning in which they happily shared they weren't going to do anything to investigate the case of my copied credit card as the crime was committed outside of their jurisdiction (in the UK/US) and barely looked at the material hard won from my bank yesterday! I did come away with my denunciation in my hands, though, so that was a step forward.
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