Snaps that came out well

By timr

So, New Year's Eve - a time for contemplation.

I've decided it is time to move on. Many of the ups and downs of my last 3 years have been captured in this journal and I'm grateful for the outlet and your company during both the bad AND good times. But it's a bad bad past with many holes and broken bits and I need to look to the future.

Recently I've been blessed beyond what I deserve with the company of a fantastic young lady - giving selflessly, innocently bringing happiness, patching holes and fixing breaks. But there is now a cold hollow void where she has been. I guess, with hindsight, every day I continued to blip was a day I was continuing a history that should have stopped where she started. I have been living in the past in many different ways rather than looking forward to the future - and it'll never be different whilst I stay here.

So this is it - my last snap that might or might not have come out well. I'll have to find a different, more passive outlet for my photographic urges.

To all of you that visited, cared and travelled with me - I offer my deepest, sincerest thanks.

I wish you all a very happy 2014 and beyond.

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