CLOCK IT NOW . . . A Very Grand and Healthy New Year to You All !

. . . everything in the Universe is mathematically precise and each number has its own vibration and meaning . . . Pythagoras

Many thanks for all the kind comments from my Blip 730 yesterday. All very much appreciated , as has been your support over the last two years.

Today is entry 731, which seems to have magical properties – just like Blip ! See below for full details – or move on and have a grand time !

731 Blip Entries - Looking deeper into the number 731 there are many factors that relate directly to The Blip Community itself.

Number 731 in Numerology is a special sequence - an Angel Number – a message to encourage making life choices and decisions that will bring you into alignment with your purpose and mission in Life.
731 - a combination of the energies of the numbers 7, 3 and 1.
As a Blipper I find it amazing that many of these attributes are what Blip is all about . . . persistence of purpose (7) - enthusiasm, taking action, and spontaneity (3) - new beginnings, fresh starts, progress, activity and fulfilment (1).

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