The story so far...


Fact or fiction

We had a day at home today and even though the boys were in a top mood, cam showed his displeasure at being kept indoors by trashing the living room and emptying every toy box and switching on every noisy toy he could find.
The packing officially started today, god knows how we will fit the entire house contents in to boxes but it has to be done. 6 boxes down a million more to go.
Luckily we were at home though as we got an unexpected delivery from the postman. Hungarian nanny sent lots of lovely presents for everyone including amber teething necklaces for the boys. Mummy has been sceptical in the past as to whether or not they actually work but never got round to purchasing any. Neither boy seemed to notice they had been put on so time will tell if they make a difference.
Our plans for a lazy day tomorrow have been squished by the kind person who keyed mummy's car. Trying to repair the scratch has only made things worse so we have to venture out to get quotes on respraying it, splendid!

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