800 (ish)

I am going to call this my 800th, with my two beautiful kids.

Theoretically it's not, as I have a few back blips to go, but they are another computer at another location, so this will do for now.

We've been at Hanmer Springs for the weekend, and what a fun one it was. Bad weather, but great for kids (and larger kids). It snowed, a lot. In spring.

Today we awoke to a winter wonderland, snow everywhere. So after the pancake breakfast, TV, and the tidy up/pack, we set off up Conical Hill. In the snow.

Quite a bit of grizzling from the kids due to cold feet/hands etc, but they got told to toughen up and we made it up. And then proceeded to have a big snowball fight, after which they said the trip was worth it. They seemed to forget the cold hands ...

Then off to the hot pools for 2 hours (in the snow), and home.

So, 800 blips. 1000 is not that far away! Probably the hardest, yet quickest 100 so far, if that makes sense. I am sure that is reflected in the subject and photo quality, but who cares.

At some point soon I'll have more time, the routine is there, the enjoyment is still there. More time would be good ;-)

BTW, you may not guess this is a merged photo. Couldn't get a shot of them both smiling, so merged two ;-)

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