Gaia's Child

By maura143

Not a Vulture

Went over to my neighbor's yard to get a few shots of the 20 or so Turkey Vultures which roost nightly in a tall, very dead tree in her yard. Guess you've noticed that this is not a photo of Roosting Vultures. This is one of my neighbor's three cats.
Charles Thomas is his given name but we all call him Charley. I've never taken a photo of Charley, I'm wondering why I haven't...just haven't. He is certainly a Handsome Cat, very Friendly and his great joy in life, aside from following his mom everywhere she goes, is catching snakes. He doesn't usually dispatch them, just carries them into the house, to his mom's great consternation. I quite regularly get calls from her to Pleeese come and remove the hapless serpent from her house. Charley's not into poisonous snakes, thankfully, because I might have to draw the Helpful Neighbor Lady Who Isn't Afraid of Snakes Line...right about there!

Tomorrow...maybe Vultures ;)

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