A Look Back
This is me, and my mum and dad, in 1984, when I was about 6 months old. I have been trying to use some of my time off to sort through lots of stuff, and came across these old pictures. It's a pretty picture, but I ruined it by taking it with the iphone with the light shining on it. I'm trying out the Camera Bag program at the moment, and I've just been playing with editing. Not 100% pleased with this, but the only other pics I took today were of Little B, and they came out fuzzy :-)
I woke up in a huge amount of pain from my shoulder/arm/neck thing. It actually woke me up in the night, but thankfully this evening seems much better. Little B was proffering his ball at me this afternoon, looking for a game. After a few goes, he leapt off the sofa to catch it, and kind of went sideways, and started really hopping and limping with his bad leg. It must have hurt, as he immediately came and curled up in my lap, and put his head on my knee. We were very worried- he hurt his knee best part of 4 months ago, and we still have no bloody idea what he's done to it! He's dying of boredom being incarcerated every day, hence the leaping from the sofa at every opportunity! We gave him his medicine and he was running around again.
I thought I had some House of Fraser vouchers that needed spending, and managed to find them this evening. Except they expired on the 19th December! £65 wasted!!
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