
I'm acutely aware of boxes these days.
Everywhere I go around the house, there's a least one box waiting to trip me up or stub my toe on.
Knowing that 1095 was coming up fast, I tried to come up with some clever idea to mark the occasion. As you can see, I didn't come up with anything. But it did make me ponder on how our lives, (at least mine is), are compartmentalized to some degree or other. And Blip certainly has a large element of that due to its very nature, perhaps the ultimate filing and retrieval system about our daily goings on. I've found it very rewarding to meet, in the best virtual sense, people whom I would never had the opportunity to do so otherwise. To say that I enjoy people's visits to my little POS journal is an understatement. To each of you, my thanks, (and keep on coming LOL).

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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