
By 1bluebell


it was a bit rough here this morning. 3 power cuts in an hour in Staines which knocked out the car park , the lights in the showers in the gym, ( the poor technician was running himself ragged to get them back on again), and the tills in BHS. having picked my purchases I sauntered to the till to find it was cash only. left it all at the till and had a polite word with a dept manager suggesting it stated at the door it was cash only due to the power cut then people wouldn't waste time choosing and trying on clothes to find cards were not being accepted. minor rant over.

renovations have begun in ernest today but will take months i think. In the meantime the house is lying on its side!

My daughter had this plaque made for us at Christmas by a lady called Natalie who runs a business in cornwall called 'out of the broom cupboard' . she made my daughters shop door sign too. She has a Facebook page. Beside the plaque is a picture of yours truly and the handsome Mr G. (I might be a bit biased on that statement)
keep safe tonight with the wind and rain returning to parts of the UK.

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