Where's the rain???

This morning I went for my walk.................... And I didn't get wet?!

Before Ann went to work she listened to the weather forecast which said, 'If it's not already raining, it will be within the hour'.

Well today has been positively beautiful. Looks like the weather forecasters have got it wrong again!

Went for my afternoon walk along the beach and then I was supposed to pose properly for my BLIP with the beach in the background..................... But I'd been 'surfer chasing' so my tummy was wet and needed drying on the grass. That's why I'm not posing properly!!

Then we went for a walk around town. We haven't been in St Ives at New Year for the last couple of years and the town has got a really good buzz about it.

Really looking forward to going out tomorrow night. Well Ann is. Apparently I'll be staying 'home alone' because it will be far too busy for a little collie like me?! Sometimes Ann makes decisions for me without consulting me??!!

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