End of an era?

On 12 October, the Evening Standard will become a free newspaper handed out at rush hour to London commuters. Since this announcement on Friday, I've been wondering what will happen to the Evening Standard sellers and if the familiar cry of 'Evnin Final!' and 'Standaaaard!' will be lost from London's streets. This Evening Standard stall outside London Bridge looks like it's closing, though whether it's to do with the announcement, I don't know. It's probably inevitable that printed newspapers decline with news being read more and more on the internet. I bought the Standard only once in a while.

I think the paper must have suffered greatly from the free newspapers that have littered London's streets, transport systems, offices, verges, handbags, etc. over the past few years - Metro, London Lite, City AM, Sport, The London Paper... The Metro, London Lite and the Evening Standard are all owned or part-owned by the Associated Newspapers. The London Paper closed a few weeks ago. I'm not so keen on the freesheets - they're mostly celebrity-based (especially the London Lite) and are only worth picking up so I can line the guinea pig cage with them.

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