View from my window

By skiesnsunsets

After the storm

At long last the scaffolding and blue netting which has shrouded my high rise building for many months is gone. I've rediscovered my camera, dusted off the lens and taken up the Blip challenge again. I'm thinking of doing the 'view from my window' daily photo as I want to celebrate being able to look out at a clear view once again. Until the netting came down I had not really realised just how much light it cut out. It was so depressing.

Now we're struggling with high winds and driving rain. The waves were really high today as the winds whipped them up. The surfers were out as usual this morning. Despite the extensive building works on our building I have rain coming in over the windows in the front bedroom. We've been up several nights over the Christmas period checking the towels mopping up the water to prevent it flooding.

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