Weather most Foul

Another foul day with more rain to fill the rivers and winds that have blown over everything I put back into place only yesterday. I think it can all stay on the ground until this period of storms passes.

All those that have suffered storm damage are in my thoughts. Although this house is very exposed, I can consider myself very lucky that I will only have to repair a couple of shed roofs and the chickens haven't suffered for their accommodation being turned upside down a couple of times. What of the wildlife? I struggle to understand how the birds are surviving with their roosts being battered by high winds during the night. Certainly this morning there isn't a bird that can fly south... one flap forward takes them a meter back! The kestrels are lucky to have a man made and stable home. They are both in the box in this tree, as you can see if you click on the link. They seem to take it in turns to stay on guard but neither is brave enough to leave the nest.

The front is forecast to pass quickly so I'll wait another while to take the dogs out. It might be a good time to go and get the few things I need from the shops whilst most of the world is in hiding. Not my favourite pastime!

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