Earth moving

I spent a lovely morning shopping with Lindsay, the friend that set Mark and I up on a blind date, thinking we might get on (but not that well, she insists). Lindsay had moved back to the UK before I moved to Cyprus, so unfortunately I don't get to see much of her. The afternoon brought on a huge storm, and we were sat watching it slowly approaching over the hills, when the sofa started shaking. I looked to Snowflake, who was cleaning herself quite vigorously at the end of the sofa, and was just wondering if it could be her making the sofa shake, when Mark asked if I could feel the room moving and we realised it was an earthquake! Only a small one (about 3 on the Richter scale, I later found out) but lasted some 10-15 seconds, and was quite exciting, although I'm sure we wouldn't have thought so had it been much stronger. We popped to the pub for dinner by which time the storm we well upon us... this awful shot is meant to be of the carpet of hailstones from the terrace of the pub, it is the only shot I took all day... I'm still not feeling very blippy, but really want to limp along to my 1000 and see how I feel from there.

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