A day in the life

By neacail

Paris Poker Blog

Arrived at CDG Friday night. Had some food and drinks then headed back to the Cerc Wagran for about midnight. I had a pretty tough table but managed to grind away till shortly before 5:30 am when the fresh croissants arrive courtesy of the casino. Shortly after a big preflop raise with AJ diamonds, two callers, 2 diamonds on the flop, I shove all in, two callers, turn gives me nut flush and the my first big pot. Healthy profit for first session. Cic is down a bit and Leo is about even.

Headed back to Leos to crash. Got up late afternoon and headed back in for the afternoon cash game. We had to wait about 2hrs for a seat as it was so busy. Wish i hadn't bothered. The afternoon session was an absolute nightmare.

Sat down, flopped two pair - short stack shoves I call, he's just got an ace, turns trips and I'm beat. I flop straight shortly after - big bet one call, he turns flush.. I flops trip again, then get flush on turn, he's got the full house on the river. Put the last of my money in after flopping third set of trips. Two callers - I shove all in, one call. He's on the draw, hits it on the river. Night mare.

It's been a disastrous session, I've smoked all my profits, and healthy profit now healthy loss.
Fortunately Cic is well up though, so I can borrow some of his winnings to shore up my finances for tonights/tomorrow mornings session.

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