
By Beckett


... well here we are at the end of creative lenna's Sunday Skies.

Sort of sad, felt a bit like those "storm chasers" you hear about, instead of chasing storms, Lenna has sent us on the challenge for a Sunday skies!
Been absolutely fun, and thank her for the idea of the challenge.

Spent all day feeling down, as we had a wonderful day with crisp blue sky, which is nice, but not very interesting for the last day of our challenge. So, at around mid afternoon decided to wait, and do "whatever" sunset came.

Then, when the time came and still no cloud, I thought I would go to the Western Sydney University grounds at Werrington, and get a shot including the Observatory, at least this would offer a bit of interest.

When I arrived, the Observatory, as you can see is pretty high on a hill, and has a good view back to the Blue Mountains. There was this haze right across, but the amazing thing was, all of a sudden as the sun was setting cloud began to form, and with the haze it sort of "filtered the sun" as it set.

Well here be my final Sunday Skies.

Enjoy, and thanks again to Lenna for her efforts, the support around the world of Blippers is a credit to her. Check it out in LARGE.

PS... and for the non believers, these guys were jumping up the road as I drove out!

Who ever said we do not have Kangaroos jumping down the streets!! lol

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