
By BethAndCo

Shopping :-)

After Eva's top up feed just before we went to bed last night, she then slept through til just after 8 this morning. I can't believe she slept so much yesterday.

We just had a chilled out morning, had breakfast, Eva watched some C Beebies and played with toys with her Daddy whilst I got the washing done, changed the bedding, tidied etc, then got myself ready and the 3 of us went out shopping.

The postman came as we were leaving and delivered Eva's new Woolly from Woolly and Tig :-) she hasn't really got a comforter, other than what's in her cot (Snuggle Bear, Bunny, My Pal Violet and num nums) and I want them to stay in her cot. She's never needed a comforter, she's always with me or her Dad, but with her being unsettled at nursery, and it being a huge scary thing, I want her to have a comforter there, something to help make her feel secure. Nanny bought her Iggle Piggle for Christmas which she absolutely loves. I have now bought her Woolly, which she loves too, but I think after today, Iggle Piggle is currently leading the way as 'the one'. I even say to her, if Iggle Piggle is to one side of her or a bit away from her, "Eva, where's Iggle Piggle?", and she picks him up.

First stop was Go Outdoors, where Mike bought himself a lovely new Rab jacket. Eva had a little sleep on the way there, but again, was the only sleep she ended up having today. We stopped off at Boots then Mothercare on the way back to try and spend some vouchers (but Eva had that much for Christmas, we ended up saving the vouchers for later in the year, as nothing jumped out at us). Love today's pic of Mike carrying Eva into Boots, she loves being carried outside and looks so happy in this photo, also wearing her new coat.

There was nothing else for it heading home, but to stop off at Miller and Carter for dinner as a treat. Eva was very happy in their highchair and played with her toys and munched on breadsticks and raisins (she'd had some milk in the car from me too) until Mike and I's dinner arrived, then Eva munched on some garlic bread, some lettuce and a couple of chips. She had her own tea when we got back, a bowl of beef stew mmmmmmm, followed by a yoghurt then lots more milk after her daddy had given her her bath.

She did go to bed early, but didn't really settle that well til gone 8.30 pm, she's ended up having loads more milk and cuddles from me, and is now fast asleep.
Babba girl must be shattered xxxx

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