An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Thank you...

From the bottom of my HEART for all your wonderful comments, stars and hearts on my 1000th blip yesterday.

I am truly overwhelmed and so touched by your kindness and want to hug you all in person, but since that's impossible (although would make a great challenge for 2014 ;-) I want you to cross your arms around yourself and give yourself a bit, warm hug from me. I mean it. Do it now! :)

Not long back from our night away at Ele's and just getting the chance to catch up now so will be starting to reply shortly.

We had a great time at Ele's. Christmas day no 2 didn't disappoint. More pressies, more delicious food, more gin and more laughs.

After dinner we played Play Your Cards Right. I honestly thought I was going to pass out laughing at one point. It's never as funny in the telling so I won't attempt to but suffice to say, we all had sore stomach muscles this morning from laughing.

Stayed on at Ele's for lunch as friends Alan and Gail were joining us. More fab food! David sneaked off for an hour in the afternoon to order his main Christmas pressie.....a new bike! He's decided cycling is the new method of keep fit for him in 2014. Wonder how long that will last :) I have promised to knit him some cycling shorts ;-))))

Home now and Alan has eaten some food for the first time in three days so I am a happier mum. His cold is definitely getting better but he's at that very yukky nose stage. Nice!

Just remembered another important job I need to do tonight.....complete my Tesco online order to see us into the New Year! A house full of people on Hogmanay and no food is not a situation I want to be in!

Thanks again you lovely people. You really are the best! :D xxx

Today would have been my gran and grandpa's 75th Wedding Anniversary so this heart is also for them.

Wherever the pair of you are Gran, I hope you're enjoying a wee Bucks Fux (as she mispronounced Bucks Fizz!) whilst listening to Grandpa singing "When you and I were Young Maggie" like he always did. Love and miss you both till we meet again xxxx

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