Still standing
I've been kind of poorly the last few days, reaching a peak of feeling-sorry-for-myself-ness this morning. Possibly partly due to Conor deciding to revert to a 6am start time to the day this week. I always think it's best to sleep through illness - sparing everyone the misery (I'm not a good sick person and tend to moan pathetically like some Victorian consumptive) so spent most the morning on the sofa snoozing.
Anyway, a very very very windy walk seemed to blow the malaise away and I feel much better now. It was really properly windy, and quite a few times I wondered about the wisdom of a walk in the forest... but it was at least more sheltered than the beach and we were only hit by leaves and small twigs, nothing substantial. We went to the beach later to watch the birds struggling against the gale; I don't think I've ever seen the Firth as wavy.
This is a folly/water tower? outside Aberlady. Wasn't our sky blue? I've not done anything to that (though I think the camera might have).
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